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List of Cities and Counties in New Mexico

Discover New Mexico population facts easily with our list of counties and cities. Find out how many people live in each area, from big cities to small towns, and see how New Mexico’s population is spread out across the state.

New Mexico Counties by Population

A county is an administrative subdivision of a US state or territory. As of 2022, New Mexico is divided into 33 counties. 

The average population of New Mexico counties is 64,117; Bernalillo County is the most populous (397,821) and Harding County is the least (639). The average land area is 3,677 sq mi. The largest county by area is Catron County (6,928 sq mi) and the smallest is Los Alamos County (109 sq mi).

read about the Population of New Mexico

#CountyPopulation 2021Area (sq. mi.)density (people/sq. mi.)
1Bernalillo County674,3931,166578.38
2Doña Ana County221,5083,80758.18
3Santa Fe County155,2011,90981.30
4Sandoval County151,3693,71040.80
5San Juan County120,9935,51421.94
6Valencia County77,1901,06872.28
7Lea County73,0044,39316.62
8McKinley County71,7805,44913.17
9Otero County68,5376,62710.34
10Chaves County64,6296,07110.65
11Eddy County60,9114,18214.57
12Curry County47,9991,40634.14
13Rio Arriba County40,1795,8586.86
14Taos County34,6232,20315.72
15Grant County27,8893,9667.03
16Cibola County27,1844,5405.99
17San Miguel County27,1504,7175.76
18Luna County25,5322,9658.61
19Lincoln County20,4364,8314.23
20Los Alamos County19,330109177.34
21Roosevelt County19,0192,4497.77
22Socorro County16,3116,6472.45
23Torrance County15,3073,3454.58
24Colfax County12,3693,7573.29
25Sierra County11,5024,1802.75
26Quay County8,6562,8553.03
27Guadalupe County4,4493,0311.47
28Mora County4,1961,9312.17
29Union County4,1073,8301.07
30Hidalgo County4,0743,4461.18
31Catron County3,7316,9280.54
32De Baca County1,6802,3250.72
33Harding County6392,1260.30

Source: US Census report 2021

read about the race and ethnicity in New Mexico

Top cities in New Mexico by population

New Mexico is divided into 33 counties and contains 106 municipalities consisting of cities, towns, villages, and an incorporated county. Albuquerque with a population of 564,559 is the largest city in New Mexico followed by Las Cruces and Rio Rancho.

Let’s have a look at the Top 20 cities in New Mexico by population

#CityCountyPopulation 2020Area (sq. mi.)
2Las CrucesDoña Ana111,38576.93
3Rio RanchoBernalillo, Sandoval104,026103.36
4Santa FeSanta Fe87,50552.23
6FarmingtonSan Juan46,62434.46
12Los AlamosLos Alamos19,419109.17
13Los LunasValencia17,24218.73
14Sunland ParkDoña Ana16,70213.58
16Las VegasSan Miguel13,1667.82
20EspanolaRio Arriba10,5268.22

Source: US Census 2020

Most Populous Counties in New Mexico

The most populous county in New Mexico is Bernalillo County with 0.68 million residents. It was followed by Doña Ana County (221,508) and Santa Fe County (155,201)

Let’s have a look at the Top 10 most populous counties

#CountyPopulation 2021
1Bernalillo County674,393
2Doña Ana County221,508
3Santa Fe County155,201
4Sandoval County151,369
5San Juan County120,993
6Valencia County77,190
7Lea County73,004
8McKinley County71,780
9Otero County68,537
10Chaves County64,629
Least Populated New Mexico County

The least populous county is Harding County with 639 residents, it’s followed by De Baca County and Catron County.

Let’s have a look at 5 least populated counties in New Mexico

#CountyPopulation 2021
1Harding County639
2De Baca County1,680
3Catron County3,731
4Hidalgo County4,074
5Union County4,107

source: US Census 2021

read about religion in New Mexico

Largest counties in New Mexico by area

The Largest county by Land Area in New Mexico is Catron County with an area of 6,928 sq. miles. Socorro County with an area of 6,647 sq. mi. comes next followed by Otero County (6,627 sq. mi.)

Let’s have a look at the Top 10 counties by Area

#CountyArea  (sq. mi.)
1Catron County6,928
2Socorro County6,647
3Otero County6,627
4Chaves County6,071
5Rio Arriba County5,858
6San Juan County5,514
7McKinley County5,449
8Lincoln County4,831
9San Miguel County4,717
10Cibola County4,540
Smallest County in New Mexico by area

The smallest county by area in New Mexico is Los Alamos County with an area of 109 square miles.

#CountyArea  (sq. mi.)
1Los Alamos County109
2Valencia County1,068
3Bernalillo County1,166
4Curry County1,406
5Santa Fe County1,909

Most Densely populated Counties in New Mexico

The most densely populated county in New Mexico is Bernalillo County, with 578 people per sq. mi. Next comes Los Alamos County with 177 people per sq. mi. followed by Santa Fe County (81/ sq.mi)

Let’s have a look at the Top 10 densely populated counties

#CountyDensity (people/sq. mi.)
1Bernalillo County578.38
2Los Alamos County177.34
3Santa Fe County81.30
4Valencia County72.28
5Doña Ana County58.18
6Sandoval County40.80
7Curry County34.14
8San Juan County21.94
9Lea County16.62
10Taos County15.72
Least Densely Populated County in New Mexico

Harding County with a population density of just 0.30 people per sq. miles is the least densely populated county in New Mexico.

#CountyDensity (people/sq. mi.)
1Harding County0.30
2Catron County0.54
3De Baca County0.72
4Union County1.07
5Hidalgo County1.18
List of counties in New Mexico 2024 | Top Cities in New Mexico