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Maryland Population by Race and Ethnicity

Maryland, the 18th largest U.S. state by population has a racially and ethnically diverse population. As of 2020, White (Non-Hispanic) are the largest group in Maryland followed by African Americans. 

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Ethnic and Racial Percentage

In 2020, the White alone (non-Hispanic) population was the largest racial or ethnic group in Maryland, comprising 47.17% of the total population. It was followed by the Maryland population whose share was 29.06%.

Hispanic or Latino was the third largest group at 11.81%. Asian population also has a good percentage with a share of 6.77%. Two or more races are at 4.38%.

The ethnic composition of Maryland  is as follows

Race and OriginPopulationPercentage
White alone (non-Hispanic)2,913,78247.17%
Black or African American alone1,795,02729.06%
Hispanic or Latino729,74511.81%
Asian alone417,9626.77%
Two or more races:270,7644.38%
Some Other Race alone35,3140.57%
American Indians and Alaska Natives alone12,0550.20%
Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islanders2,5750.04%

Source: US Census  2020

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*US Census recognized five racial categories (White, Black or African American, Asian American, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander) as well as people of two or more races. It also classified respondents as "Hispanic or Latino" or "Not Hispanic or Latino", identifying Hispanic and Latino as an ethnicity (not a race), which comprises the largest minority group in the nation.

Ancestry in Maryland

As per Census Studies and estimate German, Irish, English, Italian, and American have made the five largest ancestry groups in Maryland.

The Largest Ancestry in Maryland is as follows

6Subsaharan African248,1804.1%
8West Indian89,4991.5%
9French (except Basque)85,3751.4%
23French Canadian15,7080.3%

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European ancestry in Maryland

Non-Hispanic Whites account for nearly 47.17% of Maryland’s population. German, English, and Irish Americans have made up three of the largest European ancestry groups in Maryland. As per the Census report, German Americans made up 11.5% of the population and numbered 696,475 members.

Irish Americans made up 9.5% of the population and numbered 572,153. English Americans made up 7.0% of the population and numbered 425,590 followed by Italian ancestry at 4.8% of the population and number 290,442.

For other European ancestry percentages please refer table above.

African Americans in Maryland

The largest minority group in Maryland are Blacks and African Americans, who include about one-third of the population. As of 2020, those of African ancestry accounted for 29% of Maryland’s population. Between 1990 and 2020, the Black population in Maryland experienced substantial growth, increasing from around 1.2 million to over 1.8 million.

A significant proportion of Maryland’s African American population resides in urban areas, such as Baltimore, as well as the suburban areas surrounding Washington, D.C., including Prince George’s County and Montgomery County. Additionally, there are numerous Black residents living in smaller cities, towns, and rural areas across the state.

Hispanics and Latinos in Maryland

Hispanics and Latinos are the third-largest groups in Maryland. Around 11.81% of Maryland’s Population claims Hispanic or Latin American ethnicity.  The Hispanic community in Maryland is relatively small compared to other states, ranking 17th in terms of population size and 22nd in terms of share of the State population.

 The Hispanic community in Maryland is centered in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties. Over two-thirds of the State’s Hispanics live in these two counties. Hispanics account for 13.8 % and of residents in Montgomery County and 11.7%  of residents in Prince George’s County.

In Maryland, the Hispanic community is diverse with sizeable communities from Central and South America. Salvadorans represent the largest segment of the State’s Hispanic community, accounting for 24.3 percent of Hispanics in Maryland, followed by Mexicans and Puerto Ricans.

Asian Americans in Maryland

Asian Americans are a minority group in Maryland. Americans of Asian descent formed 6.77% of the population. Its ethnic Asian population has grown rapidly since the late 1990s; the majority are Indian, Chinese,  Filipino, Vietnamese, and Korean. 

At 119,000 the Asian Indian population was the largest Asian group, followed by Chinese (94,000), Filipino (68,000, Korean (51,000), Vietnamese (37,000), and Pakistani (21,000). \

The Largest communities by Asian population are Montgomery County (180,078), Howard County (68,596), Baltimore County (58,440), Prince George’s County (45,787), and  Anne Arundel (31,000).

Multi-Race in Maryland

Multiracial individuals are also a visible minority in Maryland. People identifying as multiracial form 4.38% of the population, and number around 270,764 people. 

Race and Ethnicity in Maryland 2024 | Ancestry in Maryland