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List of Cities and Counties in Colorado

Discover Colorado’s population facts easily with our list of counties and cities. Find out how many people live in each area, from big cities to small towns, and see how Colorado’s population is spread out across the state.

Colorado Counties by Population

A county is an administrative subdivision of a US state or territory. As of 2022, Colorado is divided into 64 counties. 

The most populous county in the State of Colorado is El Paso County (737,867) and the least populated county is San Juan County (733). Las Animas County with an area of 4773 sq. miles is the largest county by land area and the City and County of Broomfield (33.6 sq. mi.) is the smallest county by area in Colorado.

read about the Population of Colorado

#CountyPopulation 2021Area (sq. mi)
1El Paso County737,8672,128.6
2City and County of Denver711,463155.7
3Arapahoe County654,900804.4
4Jefferson County579,581772.9
5Adams County522,1401,182.3
6Douglas County368,990842.3
7Larimer County362,5332,631.8
8Weld County340,0364,013.8
9Boulder County329,543740.5
10Pueblo County169,6222,396.8
11Mesa County157,3353,345.7
12City and County of Broomfield75,32533.6
13Garfield County62,1612,958.2
14La Plata County56,2501,700.4
15Eagle County55,7271,700.8
16Fremont County49,6611,533.1
17Montrose County43,1682,246.4
18Delta County31,6611,149.4
19Summit County30,941618.9
20Morgan County29,0081,293.8
21Elbert County27,1281,849.1
22Montezuma County26,1752,035.8
23Routt County25,0912,362.1
24Teller County24,926558.6
25Logan County21,4871,845.3
26Chaffee County20,0741,014.1
27Otero County18,5941,267.7
28Park County17,7202,209.4
29Pitkin County17,348970.4
30Gunnison County17,2813,259.2
31Alamosa County16,547723.2
32Grand County15,8601,868.5
33Las Animas County14,6334,773.3
34Archuleta County13,7901,354.5
35Moffat County13,1854,755.9
36Prowers County11,9961,645.4
37Rio Grande County11,408913.1
38Yuma County9,9412,369.6
39Clear Creek County9,446396.5
40San Miguel County8,0741,290.8
41Conejos County7,6121,290.2
42Lake County7,407383.6
43Kit Carson County6,9502,162.4
44Huerfano County6,9201,592.4
45Rio Blanco County6,4763,226.2
46Saguache County6,4713,168.3
47Crowley County6,012800.3
48Gilpin County5,873150.2
49Bent County5,7591,541.1
50Lincoln County5,6882,585.2
51Custer County5,045739.2
52Ouray County5,035542.3
53Washington County4,8612,522.9
54Phillips County4,512688.3
55Costilla County3,6251,229.4
56Baca County3,5142,558.5
57Dolores County2,3971,076.9
58Sedgwick County2,336548.8
59Cheyenne County1,7071,781.9
60Kiowa County1,4521,785.9
61Jackson County1,3631,619.8
62Mineral County924878.2
63Hinsdale County7811,123.4
64San Juan County733389.0

Source: US Census report 2021

read about the race and ethnicity in Colorado

Top cities in Colorado by population

The State of Colorado in the United States has 272 active municipalities, comprising 197 towns, 73 cities, and two consolidated city and county governments.

The largest city, and the capital of Colorado, is Denver with a population of 735,538. It’s followed by Colorado Springs at the second number and Aurora at the third. Colorado is one of the fastest-growing US state and has 12 cities with populations over 100 thousand.

#CityPOP. 2020
1Denver 735,538
2Colorado Springs482,131
4Fort Collins168,234
13Longmont 98,445
15Broomfield Town72,236
16Castle Rock 70,567
17Grand Junction63,447
18Commerce City 59,317
19Parker town58,673
20Littleton 46,000

Source: US Census Bureau population estimate 2020

Most Populous Counties in Colorado

The most populous county in Colorado is  El Paso County with 0.74 million residents. It was followed by the City and County of Denver  (0.72 million) and Arapahoe County (0.65 million)

Let’s have a look at the Top 10 most populous counties

#CountyPopulation 2021
1El Paso County737,867
2City and County of Denver711,463
3Arapahoe County654,900
4Jefferson County579,581
5Adams County522,140
6Douglas County368,990
7Larimer County362,533
8Weld County340,036
9Boulder County329,543
10Pueblo County169,622
Least Populated Colorado County

The least populous county is San Juan County with 733 residents, it’s followed by Hinsdale and Mineral County.

Let’s have look at 5 least populated counties in Colorado

#CountyPopulation 2021
1San Juan County733
2Hinsdale County781
3Mineral County924
4Jackson County1,363
5Kiowa County1,452

source: US Census 2021

read about religion in Colorado

Largest counties in Colorado by area

The Largest county by Land Area in Colorado is Las Animas County with an area of 4773 sq. miles. Moffat with an area of 4755 sq. mi. comes next followed by Weld County (4014 sq. mi.)

Let’s have a look at the Top 10 counties by Area

#CountyArea (sq. mi)
1Las Animas County4,773.3
2Moffat County4,755.9
3Weld County4,013.8
4Mesa County3,345.7
5Gunnison County3,259.2
6Rio Blanco County3,226.2
7Saguache County3,168.3
8Garfield County2,958.2
9Larimer County2,631.8
10Lincoln County2,585.2

Smallest County in Colorado by area

The smallest county by area in Colorado is the City and County of Broomfield with an area of 33.6 square miles.

#CountyArea (sq. mi)
1City and County of Broomfield33.6
2Gilpin County150.2
3City and County of Denver155.7
4Lake County383.6
5San Juan County389.0

source: US Census report 2021

Most Densely populated Counties in Colorado

The most densely populated county in Colorado is the City and County of Denver, with 4570 people per sq. mile. Next comes the City and County of Broomfield  with 2244 people per sq. mi followed by Arapahoe  county (814/ sq.mi)

Let’s have a look at the Top 10 densely populated counties

#CountyDensity (people/sq. mi.)
1City and County of Denver4,570.62
2City and County of Broomfield2,243.82
3Arapahoe County814.14
4Jefferson County749.93
5Boulder County445.04
6Adams County441.63
7Douglas County438.07
8El Paso County346.64
9Larimer County137.75
10Weld County84.72
Least Densely Populated County in Colorado 

Hinsdale County with a population density of less than 1 person per sq. mi. is the least densely populated county in Colorado.

#CountyDensity (people/sq. mi.)
1Hinsdale County0.70
2Kiowa County0.81
3Jackson County0.84
4Cheyenne County0.96
5Mineral County1.05

source: US Census 2021

List of Counties in Colorado 2024 | Top Cities in Colorado by population