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Brazil Population by Federative units
Brazil officially the Federative Republic of Brazil is the largest country in South America, the fifth-largest country by area, and the seventh most populous. Brazil has 26 states (Estados) and one federal district (Distrito federal). The states are divided into municipalities, while the Federal District assumes the competencies of both a state and a municipality.
The states and the federal district may be grouped into regions: Northern, Northeast, Central-West, Southeast, and Southern. The Southeast region is the most densely populated and the North is the least populated.
São Paulo with population of 44 million is largest populated state followed by Minas Gerais (20.5 million) and Rio de Janeiro (16 million). Roraima is least populated state with population of Just 636,707.
States population 2022
Brazil has 26 states (Estados) and one federal district (Distrito federal). The states are divided into municipalities, while the Federal District assumes the competencies of both a state and a municipality. São Paulo with a population of 44 million is the largest populated state followed by Minas Gerais (20.5 million) and Rio de Janeiro (16 million).
Let’s look at the Statewise Populations based on the 2022 census.
# | States or Federative Units | Population 2022 | Density (person/sq.km. |
1 | São Paulo | 44,411,238 | 5.06 |
2 | Minas Gerais | 20,539,989 | 112.38 |
3 | Rio de Janeiro | 16,055,174 | 5.15 |
4 | Bahia | 14,141,626 | 2.53 |
5 | Paraná | 11,444,380 | 25.04 |
6 | Rio Grande do Sul | 10,882,965 | 59.07 |
7 | Pernambuco | 9,058,931 | 489.06 |
8 | Ceará | 8,794,957 | 83.21 |
9 | Pará | 8,121,025 | 20.74 |
10 | Santa Catarina | 7,610,361 | 20.55 |
11 | Goiás | 7,056,495 | 4.05 |
12 | Maranhão | 6,775,805 | 7.72 |
13 | Paraíba | 3,974,687 | 35.02 |
14 | Amazonas | 3,941,613 | 6.52 |
15 | Espírito Santo | 3,833,712 | 70.39 |
16 | Mato Grosso | 3,658,649 | 57.42 |
17 | Rio Grande do Norte | 3,302,729 | 92.37 |
18 | Piauí | 3,271,199 | 12.99 |
19 | Alagoas | 3,127,683 | 366.97 |
20 | Distrito Federal | 2,817,381 | 62.54 |
21 | Mato Grosso do Sul | 2,757,013 | 38.63 |
22 | Sergipe | 2,210,004 | 6.65 |
23 | Rondônia | 1,581,196 | 2.85 |
24 | Tocantins | 1,511,460 | 79.5 |
25 | Acre | 830,018 | 178.92 |
26 | Amapá | 733,759 | 100.74 |
27 | Roraima | 636,707 | 5.45 |
Source: Brazilian Institute of Statistics
Brazilian States by Area and Density
Brazil is the world’s fifth-largest country by area. At 8.5 million square kilometers (3,300,000 sq mi) it is the largest Country in South and Latin America.
The Largest State by Area in Brazil is Amazonas ( 1,559,159 sq. km) and the smallest by area is Sergipe (21,915 sq. km). The state with the highest Density of Population is Rio de Janeiro ( 367 people per sq km) and Amazonas is the least dense with a density of just 2.53 people per sq. km is the least dense.
Let’s look at Brazilian Federative units by Area and density
# | State | Area (sq. m) | Density (person/sq. km) |
1 | Acre | 164,123 | 5.06 |
2 | Alagoas | 27,779 | 112.38 |
3 | Amapá | 142,829 | 5.15 |
4 | Amazonas | 1,559,159 | 2.53 |
5 | Bahia | 564,733 | 25.04 |
6 | Ceará | 148,921 | 59.07 |
7 | Distrito Federal | 5,780 | 489.06 |
8 | Espírito Santo | 56,470 | 83.21 |
9 | Goiás | 331,937 | 20.74 |
10 | Maranhão | 340,112 | 20.55 |
11 | Mato Grosso | 52,811 | 4.05 |
12 | Mato Grosso do Sul | 357,146 | 7.72 |
13 | Minas Gerais | 586,522 | 35.02 |
14 | Pará | 1,247,955 | 6.52 |
15 | Paraíba | 46,095 | 70.39 |
16 | Paraná | 199,308 | 57.42 |
17 | Pernambuco | 98,148 | 92.37 |
18 | Piauí | 251,578 | 12.99 |
19 | Rio de Janeiro | 43,780 | 366.97 |
20 | Rio Grande do Norte | 903,366 | 62.54 |
21 | Rio Grande do Sul | 281,730 | 38.63 |
22 | Rondônia | 237,591 | 6.65 |
23 | Roraima | 224,301 | 2.85 |
24 | Santa Catarina | 95,736 | 79.5 |
25 | São Paulo | 248,223 | 178.92 |
26 | Sergipe | 21,915 | 100.74 |
27 | Tocantins | 277,721 | 5.45 |
Source: Brazilian Institute of Statistics