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List of Cities and Counties in Oregon

Discover Oregon’s population facts easily with our list of counties and cities. Find out how many people live in each area, from big cities to small towns, and see how Oregon’s population is spread out across the state.

Oregon Counties by Population

A county is an administrative subdivision of a US state or territory. As of 2022, Oregon is divided into 36 counties.

The most populous county in Oregon is Multnomah County ( 0.8 million) and the least populated is Wheeler County. The Largest county by Land Area in Oregon is Harney County (7575 sq. mi.) and the smallest in the area is Multnomah County.

read about the Population of Oregon

#CountyPopulation 2021Area (sq. mi.)
1Multnomah County803,377435
2Washington County600,811724
3Clackamas County422,5371,868
4Lane County383,1894,554
5Marion County347,1191,185
6Jackson County223,7342,785
7Deschutes County204,8013,018
8Linn County129,8392,291
9Douglas County111,9785,037
10Yamhill County108,239716
11Benton County96,017676
12Polk County89,164741
13Josephine County88,3461,640
14Umatilla County79,9883,215
15Klamath County70,1645,945
16Coos County64,9991,600
17Columbia County53,074657
18Lincoln County50,862980
19Clatsop County41,810827
20Malheur County31,6939,888
21Tillamook County27,7481,102
22Wasco County26,7262,381
23Union County26,2122,037
24Crook County25,7392,980
25Jefferson County25,0681,781
26Hood River County24,057522
27Curry County23,6831,627
28Baker County16,8473,068
29Morrow County12,3032,033
30Lake County8,2767,940
31Harney County7,57510,135
32Wallowa County7,5453,145
33Grant County7,2724,529
34Gilliam County2,0051,204
35Sherman County1,907823
36Wheeler County1,4511,715

Source: US Census report 2021

read about the race and ethnicity in Oregon

Top Cities in Oregon by population

Portland is the largest city in Oregon with a population of 652,503. Other major cities include Eugene (176,654), Salem (175,535), Gresham (114,247), and Hillsboro (106,447). 

let’s have look at the top 20 Cities in Oregon  by population

#CityCountyPopulation 2020Area (sq. mi.)
1Portland Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas652,503145
2Eugene Lane176,65443.74
3Salem Marion, Polk175,53548.45
5Hillsboro Washington106,44724.25
6Bend Deschutes99,17833.27
8Medford Jackson85,82425.74
10Corvallis Benton59,92214.3
11Albany Linn, Benton56,47217.75
13Lake OswegoClackamas, Multnomah, Washington40,73211.35
15Grants Pass Josephine39,18911.03
16Oregon City Clackamas37,5729.29
17McMinnville Yamhill34,31910.58
19TualatinWashington, Clackamas27,9428.23
20West LinnClackamas27,3738.05

Source: US Census 2020

Most Populous Counties in Oregon

The most populous county in Oregon is Multnomah County with 0.8 million residents. It is followed by Washington County (0.6 million) and Clackamas County (0.42 million)

Let’s have a look at the Top 10 most populous counties

#CountyPopulation 2021
1Multnomah County803,377
2Washington County600,811
3Clackamas County422,537
4Lane County383,189
5Marion County347,119
6Jackson County223,734
7Deschutes County204,801
8Linn County129,839
9Douglas County111,978
10Yamhill County108,239
Least Populated Oregon County

The least populous county is Wheeler County with 1,451 residents, it’s followed by Sherman County and Gilliam County.

Let’s have a look at 5 least populated counties in Oregon

#CountyPopulation 2021
1Wheeler County1,451
2Sherman County1,907
3Gilliam County2,005
4Grant County7,272
5Wallowa County7,545

source: US Census 2021

read about religion in Oregon

Largest counties in Oregon by area

The Largest county by Land Area in Oregon is Harney County with an area of 10,135 sq. miles. Malheur with an area of 9,888 sq. mi. comes next followed by Lake County (7,940 sq. mi.)

Let’s have a look at the Top 10 counties by Area

#CountyArea (sq. mi.)
1Harney County10,135
2Malheur County9,888
3Lake County7,940
4Klamath County5,945
5Douglas County5,037
6Lane County4,554
7Grant County4,529
8Umatilla County3,215
9Wallowa County3,145
10Baker County3,068
Smallest County in Oregon by area

The smallest county by area in Oregon is Multnomah County with an area of 435 square miles.

#CountyArea (sq. mi.)
1Multnomah County435
2Hood River County522
3Columbia County657
4Benton County676
5Yamhill County716

source: US Census report 2021

Most Densely populated Counties in Oregon

The most densely populated county in Oregon is Ramsey County, with 1,847 people per sq. mi. Next comes Washington County with 830 people per sq. mi followed by Marion County (293/ sq.mi)

Let’s have a look at the Top 10 densely populated counties

#CountyDensity (people/sq. miles)
1Multnomah County1,846.84
2Washington County829.85
3Marion County292.93
4Clackamas County226.20
5Yamhill County151.17
6Benton County142.04
7Polk County120.33
8Lane County84.14
9Columbia County80.78
10Jackson County80.34
Least Densely Populated County in Oregon

Lake of Harney County with a population density of just 0.75 people per sq. miles is the least densely populated county in Oregon.

#CountyDensity (people/sq. miles)
1Harney County0.75
2Wheeler County0.85
3Lake County1.04
4Grant County1.61
5Gilliam County1.67

source: US Census 2021

List of Counties in Oregon 2024 | Top Cities in Oregon by population