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Multi races in United States

Multiracial Americans are people who have mixed ancestry of two or more races. It also includes Americans of mixed-race ancestry who self-identify with just one group culturally and socially. 

Multiracial groups in the United States include many African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Métis Americans, Louisiana Creoles, Hapas, Melungeons, and several other communities found primarily in the Eastern US. Many Native Americans are multiracial in ancestry while identifying fully as members of federally recognized tribes. Diverse immigration has brought more mixed-race people into the United States, such as a significant population of Hispanics identifying as Mestizos and Mulattos. 

In 2020, the percentage of people who reported only Two or more races are 13,549,000 people or 4.1% of the total population of the United States. The Multiracial population has changed considerably since 2010. It was measured at 9 million people in 2010 and is now 33.8 million people in 2020, a 276% increase. The “in combination” multiracial populations for all race groups accounted for most of the overall changes in each racial category.

 Source: US Census 2020 Studies
Multirace combinations

In 2020, the percentage of people who reported multiple races changed more than all of the race-alone groups, increasing from 2.9% of the population (9 million people) in 2010 to 10.2% of the population (33.8 million people) in 2020.

The largest Multiracial combinations in 2020 were

  • White and Some Other Race – 19.3 million
  • White and American Indian/Alaska Native – 4 million
  • White and Black or African American – 3.1 million
  • White and Asian – 2.7 million
  • Black or African American and Some Other Race – 1 million 

Between 2010 and 2020, the White and Some Other Race population added 17.6 million people to the Multiracial population, a change of over 1,000%.

The White and American Indian and Alaska Native populations also increased, growing by about 2.5 million people or 177%.

The White and Black or African American population increased by 1.2 million people, a 67.4% change.

The White and Asian population increased by 1.1 million people, a 65.8% change in size.

The Black or African American and Some Other Race population increased by 722,383 people, a 230% change.

Source: US Census 2020


Some Other Race Population

Some Other Race population was about 1.69 million people (0.5% of all respondents) identified as Some Other Race alone in 2020. Coupled with the 2.9 million respondents who identified as Some Other Race in combination with another race group (such as White or Black or African American), the Some Other Race alone or in combination population comprised 4.59 million people.

The Some Other Race alone population changed by 46.1% and the Some Other Race in combination population changed by 733% since 2010. Nearly all of those who were classified as Some Other Races alone were of Hispanic or Latino origin (26.2 million out of 27.9 million, or 93.9%).

Multiracial Americans | Multi races Population in US 2024