List of Cities and Counties in Vermont

Discover Vermont’s population facts easily with our list of counties and cities. Find out how many people live in each area, from big cities to small towns, and see how Vermont population is spread out across the state.

Vermont Counties by Population

A county is an administrative subdivision of a US state or territory. As of 2022, Vermont is divided into 14 counties. 

The average population of Vermont counties is 46,112; Chittenden County County is the most populous (168,865) and Essex County is the least (5,925). The average land area is 660.71 sq mi. The largest county by area is Windsor County (971 sq mi) and the smallest is Grand Isle County (83 sq mi).

read about the Population of  Vermont

#CountyPopulation 2020Area(sq. mi.)Density (people/sq. mi.)
1Chittenden 168,865539313.29
2Rutland 60,59193265.01
3Washington 59,96969086.91
4Windsor 58,19697159.93
5Franklin 50,32563779.00
6Windham 46,09078958.42
7Bennington 37,31267655.20
8Addison 37,26077048.39
9Caledonia 30,40365146.70
10Orange 29,54168942.88
11Orleans 27,54669739.52
12Lamoille 26,12646156.67
13Grand Isle 7,4218389.41
14Essex 5,9256658.91

Source: US Census report 2021

read about the race and ethnicity in Vermont

Top cities in Vermont by population

The U.S. state of Vermont has 237 towns, ten cities, and five unincorporated towns. Burlington is the largest city in Vermont with a population of just 44,743 followed by Essex Town (22,094)  and South Burlington (20,292). 

Let’s have a look at the top Cities and Town in Vermont by population

2Essex Town22,094
3South Burlington20,292
4Colchester Town17,524
5Rutland city15,807
6Bennington Town15,333
7Brattleboro Town12,184
8Milton Town10,723
9Hartford Town10,686
10Essex Junction10,590

Source: US Census  2020

Most Populous Counties in Vermont

The most populous county in Vermont is Chittenden County with 168,865 residents. It was followed by Rutland County (60,591) and Washington County (59,969)

Let’s have a look at the Top 5 most populous counties

#CountyPopulation 2020
1Chittenden 168,865
2Rutland 60,591
3Washington 59,969
4Windsor 58,196
5Franklin 50,325
Least Populated Vermont County

The least populous county is Essex County with 5,925 residents, it’s followed by Grand Isle County and Lamoille County.

Let’s have a look at 5 least populated counties in Vermont

#CountyPopulation 2020
1Essex 5,925
2Grand Isle 7,421
3Lamoille 26,126
4Orleans 27,546
5Orange 29,541

source: US Census 2021

read about religion in Vermont

Largest Counties in Vermont by area

The Largest county by Land Area in Vermont is Windsor  County with an area of 971 sq. miles. Rutland County with an area of 932 sq. mi. comes next followed by Windham County (789 sq. mi.)

Let’s have a look at the Top 5 counties by Area

#CountyArea(sq. mi.)
1Windsor 971
2Rutland 932
3Windham 789
4Addison 770
5Orleans 697
Smallest County in Vermont by area

The smallest county by area in Vermont is Grand Isle  County with an area of 83 square miles.

#CountyArea(sq. mi.)
1Grand Isle 83
2Lamoille 461
3Chittenden 539
4Franklin 637
5Caledonia 651

source: US Census report 2021

Most densely populated Counties in Vermont

The most densely populated county in Vermont is Chittenden County, with 313.29 people per sq. mi. Next comes Grand Isle County with 90 people per sq. mi. followed by Washington County (87/ sq.mi)

Let’s have a look at the Top densely populated counties

#CountyDensity (people/sq. mi.)
1Chittenden 313.29
2Grand Isle 89.41
3Washington 86.91
4Franklin 79.00
5Rutland 65.01
Least Densely Populated County in Vermont

Essex County with a population density of just 8.91 people per sq. miles is the least densely populated county in Vermont

#CountyDensity (people/sq. mi.)
1Essex 8.91
2Orleans 39.52
3Orange 42.88
4Caledonia 46.70
5Addison 48.39

source: US Census 2021

List of counties in Vermont 2024 | Top Cities in Vermont by population