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List of Cities and Counties in Nevada

Discover Nevada population facts easily with our list of counties and cities. Find out how many people live in each area, from big cities to small towns, and see how Nevada population is spread out across the state.

Nevada Counties by Population

A county is an administrative subdivision of a US state or territory. As of 2024, Nevada is divided into 16 counties and it has one independent city.

The most populous county in Nevada is Clark County ( 2.2 million) and the least populated is Esmeralda County. The Largest county by Land Area in Nevada is Nye  County, and the smallest in the area is Carson County.

read about the Population of Nevada

#CountyPopulation 2021Area (sq.mi.)
1Clark County2,292,4767,911
2Washoe County493,3926,342
3Lyon County60,9031,994
4Carson City58,993144
5Elko County53,91517,182
6Nye County53,45018,147
7Douglas County49,870710
8Churchill County25,7234,929
9Humboldt County17,6489,658
10White Pine County9,1828,877
11Pershing County6,7416,009
12Lander County5,7345,798
13Mineral County4,5863,757
14Lincoln County4,52510,635
15Storey County4,143264
16Eureka County1,9034,176
17Esmeralda County7433,589

Source: US Census report 2021

read about the race and ethnicity in Nevada

Top Cities in Nevada by population

Nevada is divided into 17 counties and contains 19 Cities. The largest city by population in Nevada is Las Vegas with 641,903 residents. It’s followed by Henderson ( 329,172) and North Las Vegas (260,098). The largest city by land area is Boulder City, which spans 208.52 sq mi (540.1 km2).

Let’s have  a look at the Top Cities in Nevada by population

#CitiesCountiesPopulation 2020Area (sq. mi.)
1Las Vegas Clark641,903141.83
4North Las VegasClark262,527101.28
6Carson CityNone58,639144.53
10Boulder CityClark14,885208.27
13West WendoverElko4,5127.48
14ElyCounty seatWhite Pine3,9247.63

Source: US Census 2020

Most Populous Counties in Nevada

The most populous county in Nevada is Clark County with 2.2 million residents. It is followed by Washoe County (0.5 million) and Lyon County (60,903).

Let’s have a look at the  most populous counties

#CountyPopulation 2021
1Clark County2,292,476
2Washoe County493,392
3Lyon County60,903
4Carson City58,993
5Elko County53,915
Least Populated Nevada County

The least populous county is Esmeralda County with 743 residents, it’s followed by Eureka County and Storey County.

Let’s have a look at 5 least populated counties in Nevada

#CountyPopulation 2021
1Esmeralda County743
2Eureka County1,903
3Storey County4,143
4Lincoln County4,525
5Mineral County4,586

source: US Census 2021

read about religion in Nevada

Largest Counties in Nevada by area

The Largest county by Land Area in Nevada is Nye County with an area of 18,147 sq. miles. Elko with an area of 17,182 sq. mi. comes next followed by Lincoln County (10,635 sq. mi.)

Let’s have a look at the Top counties by Area

#CountyArea (sq.mi.)
1Nye County18,147
2Elko County17,182
3Lincoln County10,635
4Humboldt County9,658
5White Pine County8,877
Smallest County in Nevada by area

The smallest county by area in Nevada is Carson County with an area of 144 square miles.

#CountyArea (sq.mi.)
1Carson City144
2Storey County264
3Douglas County710
4Lyon County1,994
5Esmeralda County3,589

Most Densely populated Counties in Nevada

The most densely populated county in Nevada is Carson County, with 410 people per sq. mi. Next comes Clark County with 290 people per sq. mi followed by Washoe County (78/ sq.mi)

Let’s have a look at the Top 10 densely populated counties

#CountyDensity (people/sq. mi.)
1Carson City409.67
2Clark County289.78
3Washoe County77.80
4Douglas County70.24
5Lyon County30.54
Least Densely Populated County in Nevada

Esmeralda County with a population density of just 0.21 people per sq. miles is the least densely populated county in Nevada.

#CountyDensity (people/sq. mi.)
1Esmeralda County0.21
2Lincoln County0.43
3Eureka County0.46
4Lander County0.99
5White Pine County1.03
List of Counties in Nevada 2024 | Cities in Nevada by Population