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List of Cities and Counties in Missouri

Discover Missouri population facts easily with our list of counties and cities. Find out how many people live in each area, from big cities to small towns, and see how Missouri’s population is spread out across the state.

Missouri Counties by Population

A county is an administrative subdivision of a US state or territory. As of 2022, Missouri is divided into 114 counties and it has one independent city, The city of St. Louis which is county equivalent.

Saint Louis County is the most populous county in Missouri and Worth County is the least populated. The largest county by Land area is Texas County and the smallest by area is Saint Louis City. 

read about the Population of Missouri

#CountyPopulationArea (sq. mi.)
1Saint Louis County997,187508
2Jackson County716,862605
3Saint Charles County409,981561
4Greene County300,865675
5Saint Louis City293,31061.9
6Clay County255,518396
7Jefferson County227,771657
8Boone County185,840685
9Jasper County123,155640
10Cass County109,638699
11Platte County108,569420
12Franklin County105,231922
13Christian County91,499563
14Buchanan County83,853410
15Cape Girardeau County82,113579
16Cole County77,205392
17Saint Francois County67,541450
18Lincoln County61,586630
19Newton County59,386626
20Taney County56,387632
21Johnson County54,150831
22Pulaski County53,816547
23Phelps County44,937673
24Callaway County44,638839
25Camden County43,436655
26Pettis County43,188685
27Butler County42,101698
28Howell County39,975928
29Webster County39,735593
30Lawrence County38,321613
31Scott County37,840421
32Warren County36,518432
33Laclede County36,133766
34Barry County34,712779
35Lafayette County32,817629
36Polk County32,043637
37Stone County31,548463
38Marion County28,518438
39Stoddard County28,479827
40Dunklin County27,717546
41Adair County25,185568
42Texas County24,9871,179
43Audrain County24,982693
44Miller County24,909592
45Randolph County24,760482
46Washington County23,502760
47McDonald County23,383540
48Saline County23,289756
49Ray County23,008570
50Crawford County22,807743
51Henry County22,206702
52Morgan County21,379598
53Clinton County21,287419
54Nodaway County21,160877
55Benton County19,908706
56Vernon County19,595834
57Perry County18,922475
58Wright County18,610682
59Sainte Genevieve County18,588502
60Andrew County18,002435
61Pike County17,761673
62Dallas County17,341542
63Cooper County17,115565
64Bates County16,105848
65New Madrid County16,035678
66Moniteau County15,484417
67Pemiscot County15,236493
68Macon County15,183804
69Gasconade County14,791520
70Livingston County14,755535
71Cedar County14,496476
72Dent County14,432754
73Osage County13,379606
74Madison County12,652497
75Mississippi County12,538413
76Linn County11,843620
77Douglas County11,732815
78Barton County11,658594
79Montgomery County11,415539
80DeKalb County11,098424
81Wayne County10,914761
82Ripley County10,617630
83Bollinger County10,556621
84Ralls County10,361471
85Howard County10,168466
86Lewis County10,000505
87Grundy County9,720436
88Iron County9,408551
89Saint Clair County9,376677
90Caldwell County8,897429
91Ozark County8,782747
92Monroe County8,712646
93Oregon County8,631792
94Hickory County8,607399
95Maries County8,406528
96Daviess County8,399567
97Carroll County8,376695
98Harrison County8,164725
99Dade County7,599490
100Chariton County7,356756
101Shannon County7,1061,004
102Clark County6,736507
103Gentry County6,173492
104Reynolds County6,087811
105Shelby County5,976501
106Sullivan County5,934651
107Carter County5,320508
108Atchison County5,234545
109Putnam County4,712518
110Scotland County4,693438
111Holt County4,226462
112Schuyler County4,025308
113Knox County3,808506
114Mercer County3,488454
115Worth County1,983266

read about the race and ethnicity in Missouri

Top cities in Missouri by population

Kansas City with a population of 497,159 residents is the largest city in Missouri by Population. It’s followed by St. Louis (297,645), Springfield (168,090), and Columbia (124,769).

Let’s have a look at the Top 20 Cities in Missouri  by population

#CityPOP. 2020
1Kansas City 497,159
2St. Louis 297,645
3Springfield 168,090
4Columbia 124,769
5Independence 116,774
6Lee’s Summit 101,467
8St. Joseph 74,074
9St. Charles71,761
10St. Peters 58,043
11Blue Springs 56,547
12Joplin 50,956
15Wentzville 43,109
16Jefferson City 41,972
17Cape Girardeau 41,588
18Wildwood 35,460
19University City 34,049
20Liberty 32,418

Source: US Census Bureau population estimate 2020

Most Populous Counties in Missouri

The most populous county in Missouri is  Saint Louis County with 1 million residents. Its followed by Jackson County (0.72 million) and Saint Charles County (0.4 million)

Let’s have a look at the Top 10 most populous counties

#CountyPopulation 2021
1Saint Louis County997,187
2Jackson County716,862
3Saint Charles County409,981
4Greene County300,865
5Saint Louis City293,310
6Clay County255,518
7Jefferson County227,771
8Boone County185,840
9Jasper County123,155
10Cass County109,638
Least Populated Missouri County

The least populous county is Worth County with 1,983 residents, it’s followed by Mercer and Knox County.

Let’s have look at 5 least populated counties in Missouri

#CountyPopulation 2021
1Worth County1,983
2Mercer County3,488
3Knox County3,808
4Schuyler County4,025
5Holt County4,226

source: US Census 2021

read about religion in Missouri

Largest counties in Missouri by area

The Largest county by Land Area in Missouri is Texas County with an area of 1,179 sq. miles. Shannon  with an area of 1,004 sq. mi. comes next followed by Howell  county (928 sq. mi.)

Let’s have a look at the Top 10 counties by Area

#CountyArea (sq. mi.)
1Texas County1,179
2Shannon County1,004
3Howell County928
4Franklin County922
5Nodaway County877
6Bates County848
7Callaway County839
8Vernon County834
9Johnson County831
10Stoddard County827
Smallest County in Missouri by area

The smallest county by area in Missouri is Saint Louis County with an area of 62 square miles.

#CountyArea (sq. mi.)
1Saint Louis 61.9
2Worth County266
3Schuyler County308
4Cole County392
5Clay County396

source: US Census report 2021

Most Densely populated Counties in Missouri

The most densely populated county in Missouri is Saint Louis City, with 4739 people per sq. mi. Next comes Saint Louis county with 1962  people per sq. mi followed by Jackson county (1185/ sq.mi)

Let’s have a look at the Top 10 densely populated counties

#CountyDensity ( people/sq. mi.)
1Saint Louis City4,738.45
2Saint Louis County1,962.97
3Jackson County1,184.90
4Saint Charles County730.80
5Clay County645.25
6Greene County445.73
7Jefferson County346.68
8Boone County271.30
9Platte County258.50
10Buchanan County204.52
Least Densely Populated County in Missouri

Shannon County with 7 people per sq. miles is the least densely populated county in Missouri.

#CountyDensity ( people/sq. mi.)
1Shannon County7.08
2Worth County7.45
3Reynolds County7.51
4Knox County7.53
5Mercer County7.68
List of counties in Missouri 2024 | Top Cities in Missouri by population